Monday, 16 July 2012

Refuting Khalid Al Deobandi


The present “ Allama” of the Deobandi group , Mawlana Khalid Mahmood has written “ Mutali’a barelwiyat” , which is his research work for obtaining the degree of PhD. This book is considered by Deobandis as a” scholastic work” against the muslims of Ahlus sunnah wal jamah. Little do the Deobandis know that this book has been refuted by many Ahlus sunnah scholars. One such book is “ Deobandi Mazhab ka Muhasiba” by Pakistani scholar Mawlana Mohammed Ali . The book analyses the ‘account’ of Deobandi madhab from their own sources.

Recently I came across an article in which some Deobandi has used the same arguments which Khalid Mahmood has used against Imam of Ahlus snnah , Ahmed Raza Barelwi (rh).

This is a short refutation to Khalid Mahmmod Al Deobandi.

The text in question is a paragraph from the book “ Malfuzat” Vol 2 , page 49 by Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (rh).

The book is online .

Imam Ahmed Raza (rh) was asked” What is Fan’a fi’s shaykh”?

In reply to this question , Imam Ahmed Raza (rh) first explains some basic teachings of Tasawwuf like blessings ( faidh) flows from prophet to shaykh , from shaykh to student and then he quotes an incidence from the book Al Ibriz . This book describes the life and miracles performed by Sayedi Abd Al Aziz al Dabagh(rh) and is written by one of the students of the shaykh.

Imam Ahmed Raza quotes this book and writes:

“ Sayedi Ahmed Sajlasi had two wives. Sayyedi Ahmed Dabbagh (rd) made a comment and said that last night you had physical relationship with one of your wife while the other was still awake and this is not correct. He said “ respected Shaykh , that time other wife was asleep”? The Shaykh replied no she was not. He asked “ Respected shaykh ,how did you come to know this”? The shaykh replied” was there any other bed around the other wife ? He said” Yes. One bed was empty”. The shaykh said” I was there” .

The above incidence which Imam Ahmed Raza (rh) has quoted is present in the book Al Ibriz . After quoting this incidence , Imam Ahmed Raza writes

“A shaykh is never separate from his student “.

(end of quote from Malfuzat , by Imam Ahmed Raza (rh).

Readers should keep in mind that , Imam Ahmed Raza (rh) was replying this to the question asked on “ Fana fis shaykh’ .

( It is a stage in the path of tasawwuf where the student tries to obey each and every commnd of his shaykh. The term has deeper meaning which cannot be explained here)

Many years back , pakistani deobandis started attacking Shaykh Dabbagh and Imam Ahmed Raza , stating that all these stories about about Shaykh Dabbagh , mentioned in the book Al Ibriz is false and Imam Ahmed Raza is propogating these lie by quoting these stories in his book.

The Deobandis were totally unaware that Shaykh Dabbagh has been praised by Deobandi scholars as well . Infact Deobandi scholar Mawlana Ashiq Ilahi merathi has translated Al Ibriz from Arabic to Urdu. The Ahlus sunnah sent a question to Jamia Ashrafia , Lahore ( top Deobandi madarsa in Pakistan) asking the view of Deobandi Group on Shaykh Dabbagh.

Deobandi scholar Mufti Jameel Ahmed Thanvee gave this fatwa:

“ He is among the friends of Allah ( awliya) and his books are reliable and can be trusted. Though I have not read any of his books , but looking at the high rank and qualification of this person , his books will have to considered reliable”

And at the side of the fatwa Deobandi Mufti writes:
‘ if the work is translated then it has to be seen whether the translator is reliable or not”.

The Deobandi translation is accepted by the Deobandi group.

Kindly see the scan of the original fatwa.

Deobandi Scholar Mawlana Aashiq Ilahi Merathi has translated this book. Here is the scan of his translation.
Translation of Deobandi Edition of Al Ibriz

“ Once I had my both wife in the same house and we had four bed. Both of my wife slept on separate bed and I slept on the third bed and the fourth bed was vacant. During night , assuming my one wife to be sleeping , I had physical relationship with the second one and later, assuming my second wife to be sleeping I had physical relationship with the first. When I went to meet the shaykh he asked “what do scholars of Jurisprudence say on the issue of having two wives in the same house and having physical relationship with them? I understood that the shaykh was making an indication towards what I have done.
Hence I asked “Shaykh how did you come to know”. The Shaykh replied” And Who do you think was sleeping in the fourth bed?”

Tthe translation done by Deobandi Mawlana Aashiq Ilahi , is word to word translation of the original Arabic.

Here is the accurate English translation done by O’Kane and Radke . ( Taken from some where on the internet). The concerned passage reads as follows

P 159 of English translation:

“Another of these is that one night I brought together two of my wives in a single accommodation for the night, with the excuse that one of them was hindered from spending the night in her house. Each of them bedded down for the night in her own separate bedding, and I bedded down for the night by myself in my own separate bedding. And a fourth bed in the room remained unoccupied by anyone during the night. Then my carnal soul called me to have intercourse with one of the two wives, and I had intercourse with her, thinking that the other was asleep. When I’d slept a little, I arose and had intercourse with the other one, thinking that the first one was now asleep. Afterwards when I went to visit the Shaykh - and this I did quite frequently despite the great distance- one day he began to joke with me and at a certain moment he said: “What do you (religious scholars) say about bringing together two wives in one residence and having intercourse with both of them?” I understood he was referring to what I’d done. I asked: “Oh Sayyidi, how did you known about this?” He replied: “Who do you think was sleeping in the fourth bed?”

This book Al Ibriz is available online in original Arabic in Pdf form. 

The readers can now see 3 different translation along with the original Arabic work.

First , the short narration of this incidence by Imam Ahmed Raza , in which he has neither mentioned the complete incidence ( like getting up in the night and other details) nor the word to word translation. He has simply mentioned this incidence to make a point that a good shaykh can perform miracles ( he was answering question on Tasawwuf), so he mentions at the end of his paragraph” A shaykh is never separate from his student”

Second translation is from the Deobandi version of Al Ibriz.

Third translation is by some one who is educated and qualified to translate Arabic into English.

After reading these 3 translation, one can think, what problem did Deobandi scholar Khalid Mahmood had in the translation of Imam Ahmed Raza (rh)?

To know this , please read second part of this article.


Khalid Deobandi says

“ To suggest that a shaykh can sleep near the wife of his student is not correct. ….Shaykah Dabbagh never said that he was on the fourth bed. This was a evil wish from the evil nature of (Imam Ahmed Raza )Khan Sahab. Mufti Mazrallah has written that Khan sahab had naughty nature. Khan sahab did not have any shame in making these type of lies.”

Khalid Deobandi continues….

“ When the student asked “ Shaykh , How did you come to know “? The shaykh replied” Who do you think was sleeping in the fourth bed?”. This answer of shaykh was not meant to mean that he was in the fourth bed. The shaykh only meant that he knows that their was a fourth bed. He wanted to tell his student that , not only he knows what happened in night but also that he knows how many beds the house has. Shaykh only told one more information about ghayb ( shaykh ne khabat ghaybi per ek aur izafa farmaya ki chouthey palang per kaun tha). When Allah unveils the knowledge of Ghayb ( unseen ) from his beloved creratures , this is called “Kashf”.

Khalid Deobandi continues

“ Our main concern is why did Imam Ahmed Raza lie? Why did he say that Shaykh Dabbagh said that he was on the fourth bed . Ahemd Raza could have easily made a ‘tawil ‘ ( interpretation) and said that shaykh meant to his student ‘ that how can you visit your wife when a stranger was sleeping in the fourth bed. Shaykh Dabbagh was only informing his student that he even knows that their was a fourth bed . He never meant or said that he was sleeping on the fourth bed. Ahmed Raza should have had little shame. BUT KHAN SAHAB WANTED TO PROVE FROM THIS INCIDENCE THAT SHAYKH CAN SLEEP NEAR THE WIFE OF STUDENT (DISCIPLE).

Khalid Deobandi continues….

Khan sahab has fabricated the story in such a way so as to look that four beds were at different place. The first two beds of student and his first wife at one place and the other two beds, one of the second wife and the OTHER OF THE SHAYKH Dabbagh at other place. All this is a lie. All four beds were together. So this question ( of Imam Ahmed Raza) was useless that’ was there any other bed around the other wife”

A few lines later , Khalid Deobandi continues….

“ Why did Khan sahab not mention this fact that the student had physical relationship with both the wives on that night? There can be only one reason why he did not mention this. HE WANTED TO PROVE THAT THE STUDENT HAD PHYSICAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE FIRST WIFE AND THE SHAYKH HAD PHYSCIAL RELATIONSHIP WITH SECOND WIFE . THIS side “ he “ ( student) , that side shaykh
( Idher yeh udher wah).

After writing this Khalid Deobandi says…


We will see the post mortem in part 3 of this artcile



I would like to remind you that the above quote is from the living Deobandi scholar Dr Khalid Mahmood. He has submitted this ‘research “work to obtain his PhD.!

I can tell one thing for sure , that Khalid Deobandi has never read Al Ibriz . He has never read Malfoozat of Imam Ahmed Raza (rh). And how can he even read these books of tasawwuf? He is a Deobandi and for deobandis the ruling given by their great scholar Mawlana Rashid Gangohi is : To read the book taqwiyatul Iman is the real Islam ( Fatwa Rashidiya).

In this refutation I am not talking about the power given by Allah to his chosen people. These Awliya of Allah can travel large distance is fractions of second. This is also mentioned in books of Hanafi fiqh.

We have seen miracles from books of Deobandi scholars in which they have come from grave in ‘physical body” to help deobandi students. Intersested readers can read many such articles on this thread. Insha Allah , in future more quotes showing Deobandi scholars being present at two different places at the same time and many more miracles of Deobandi scholars wiil be provided. Insha Allah , every thing will be from Deobandi book.

But right now , I am dealing with Dr.Khalid Deobandi.

Khalid Mahmood has said that by mentioning the answer” I was on the fourth bed” Imam Ahmed Raza wanted to prove that Shaykh can sleep near the wife of his student.

This deobandi scholar has used such a cheap word like” Idher yeh udher wah”.

See the scans from the Deobandi book and decide who much crooked mind this scholar has. When he could not get anything against Imam Ahmed Raza , he started making stories!

In reality this does not require any analysis. Every one can see that Imam Ahmed Raza has mentioned this incidence in a short way , as he was answering the question on Tasawwuf ( fana fi shaykh). This can be easily seen by the last part of his passage where he says” A shaykh is never separate from his student “.

The Deobandi scholar knows that his scholar will never bother to get the original reference, so they will never come to read the whole paragraph. Deobandis look at only what is showed. They cannot think beyond what their scholars present. That is why we still have those who have the belief of Imkan e kidhb.

So his whole purpose of mentioning this incidence was to show that a good shaykh can know about those things which are not physically present in front of his eyes. And his statemtent that” A shaykh is never separate from his student’ means that a shaykh is told about the state of his student. And there is abundant proof that a blessed shaykh can travel long distance in fraction of seconds.

When Ahlus sunnah talks about prophet being present , they have different meaning with reference to context. Some times they mean the Ruh ( spirit) of the prophet , some times they mean everything is shown to prophet , some times they mean the spirit of prophets can travel etc. Here I am not discsuusing the topic of Hazir and Nazir. Those who are interested can look for it on internet, which has many good article on that topic.

Second. Everyone has now read the whole incidence. Please read this again

“I asked: “Oh Sayyidi, how did you known about this?” He replied: “Who do you think was sleeping in the fourth bed?”

I request every one to be true and support the truth. What is the meaning of this reply from shaykh? Isn’t he telling that he was on the fourth bed? But Khalid Deobandi says that Imam Ahmed raza made this answer to suit his motive of allowing shaykh to sleep with the wife of student.

This shows the mentality of this Deobandi scholar. This shows the mentality of the whole deobandi group that how they can twist the fact , in order to attack the schiolar of Ahlus sunnah.

Let us see the urdu translation of the above sentence from Mawlana Aashiw Ilahi Deobandi.

Mawlana Aashiq Ilahi Deobandi writes:

“ Main samajh gaya ki meray waqey ki taraf ki taraf ishara hai.Lehaza arz kiya hazrat aap ko kaisey kahabr hue .Farmaya chouthey palang per kaun tha”

I understood that the shaykh was making an indication towards what I have done.
Hence I asked “Shaykh how did you come to know”. The Shaykh replied” And Who do you think was sleeping in the fourth bed?”

The use of the word LEHAZA ( Hence) was meant only to show that the student is asking this question to know the answer and the answer was given “ who do you think was sleeping in the fourth bed”.

As per Deobandi scholar this meant something else.
Everything is avaibale in Arabic, Urdu and English. Any one can see the crooked mind of this deobandi scholar.

To make the matter worst , this Deobandi scholar says

“Why did Khan sahab not mention this fact that the student had physical relationship with both the wives on that night? “

Actually this question , it self is the answer for all Deobandis! Imam Ahmed Raza was not interested in mentioning the finer details of the incidence . Had his motive been that he would have mentioned the whole incidence. But he only mentioned in a short form in his own words , keeping the main theme of his message about the kaaramt of a good Shaykah so he ends his quote stating the virues of good shaykh.

But the crooked mind of this Deobandi scholar says

“There can be only one reason why he did not mention this. HE WANTED TO PROVE THAT THE STUDENT HAD PHYSICAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE FIRST WIFE AND THE SHAYKH HAD PHYSCIAL RELATIONSHIP WITH SECOND WIFE . THIS side “ he “ ( student) , that side shaykh” ( Idher yeh udher wah).

Respected readers do we need more enemies of Ahlus sunnah? When we have deobandis? These Deobandis who call themselves as ‘hanafis” and lable themselves as ‘ Chsiti/ qadri/ suhanrwardi/ naqshabndi, under the banner of sunni islam , they are attacking Ahlus sunnah from inside. Muslims must realize this. These Deobandis try to lable them self as’ moderate” but in reality they are enemies of Ahlus sunnah. They are with wahabis.

Then the eveil mind of Deobandi scholar says

Khan sahab has fabricated the story in such a way so as to look that four beds were at different place.”

By making this comment , the Deobandi scholar has only made a fool of himself. The Deobandi scholar and his followers have this idea that all 4 beds were side by side and the student of the shaykh was moving from one bed to another. The deobandi scholar should have given details of the sequence of the bed , where was first wife and where was second. He should also explained that how the student moved from one bed to another, did he roll over or got down the floor? If he got down the floor , then did he wear footwear or not? Was it on right side or left? This deobandi scholar is much concerned with how and what happened on that night .

This is yet another proof that Imam Ahmed Raza was not giving description of what was happening on that night. He mentioned incidence in short , and the outcome he emphasized saying’ Shaykh is aware of the deeds of students”

But the crooked Deobandi mind says

“ Imam Ahmed Raza made this fabrication in story so as to allow the Shaykh to sleep with the wife of students”

Where as Imam Ahmed Raza ( rh) only wrote the incidence to emphasize the powers of Awliya Allah. Eevery one can see the original detail story and how Imam Ahmed Raza (rh) wrote , maintaining the decency and conveying the message.

The Deobandi scholar also said:

“. Shaykh only told one more information about ghayb ( shaykh ne khabat ghaybi per ek aur izafa farmaya ki chouthey palang per kaun tha)”

This is the most funny part of the article. Forget about reading AL ibriz , it seems this Deobandi scholar has not even read his wahabi fiqh book ‘ Fatwa Rashidiya” which clearly says that ‘any one who thinks that prophet had the knowledge of the unseen ( ghayb) then it is shirk”. He has also not read the wahabi manual , Taqwiyatul Iman , which states that to think that a person can know what is happening at other place or to have this belief that the shaykh can know the feelings of heart, all this is shirk!

So going by the ‘akabir” scholars of his own sect ,this Deobandi scholar has commited an act of “shirk”. Now he has to either go to Najd or Deoband.

Respected readers, this is the view and mentality of a top deobandi scholar on which all deobandis rely upon for discussing with Ahlus sunnah..

Imagine when our sunni scholars will refute these “gsutakhe rasul” , then what will happen?

They have so much hatred from this great scholar Imam Ahmed Raza (rh) that they abuse him .The muslims outside the sub continent should realize this that had it not been Imam Ahmed Raza ( rh) who was chosen by Allah to full fill this work , then today whole muslim population in subcontinent must be singing the same song” Allah can lie , Alah does not have knowledge at all the time , the one whose name is mohammed has no authority, prophet is mingled in dust , prophetic knowledge is same like animals, prophet should not be respected more than a land lord etc .

It was this great scholar of Ahlus sunnah , Imam Ahmed raza ( rh) who wrote books against wahabis, shais , qadyanis , hadith rejectors , free masons. During his time the fitnah was wide spread. So many sects were emerging. Allah chose this man to work for Ahlus sunnah.

Insha Allah more view on this article by Deobandi article will come in future.

“ The Faulty hoof of an animal will be noticeable when it walks”

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