Friday, 13 July 2012

Fabrication by Wahabi Scholar Thanaullah Amritsari.

Fabrication by Wahabi Scholar Thanaullah Amritsari.

The Indian wahabi scholar , Thanaullah amritsari wrote a tafsir”Tafseer al Quran bi qalamir rehman”. This wahabi scholar has denied all the miracles mentioned in the quran and has given such an explaination so as to deny the miracles mentioned in quran. Whether it is Muajiza or karamat. During that time ( around 1333AH) , the “naturist” sect was propogating their teachings in subcontinent. This naturist sect , just like Hadith rejector denies all hadith and do not believe in miracles. This wahabi scholar followed the foot step of this Naturist sect and denied all miracles mentioned in the quran.

Most of the Indian wahabis follow” Madhkhalee” sect of wahabis and are more loyal to Saudi kingdom than the Saudi wahabis themselves.

The Ahlus sunnah objected to this tafsir and finally one wahabi scholar Abdullah Amritsari agreed with Ahlus sunnah. Abdullah Amritsari wrote a book “ Darayat Tafseeri” and mentioned some of the mistakes in the tafsir of Thanullah amritsari.

Abdullah Amritsari writes:

“ Mawlana Thanaullah has written a tafsir with name “ tafsir al quran bi qalamir rehman”. In this he has denied most of the muajizat ( miracles perfomed by prophets) and Khirqe addat ( things against normal customary things). He has followed the wrong sects like Mutazila, Jahmiya, Naturist etc .I present some instances where he has denied Miracles .

(1) Ibrahim ( alay his salam) bringing the bird back to life
(2)Sayeda Maryam getting fruits outside the normal season.
(3)The incidence of fire coming from sky (4)The fish of Musa ( alayhis asalam) getting alive. (5) Birds and mountain doing tasbih along with dawud ( alayhissalam)(6) Iron becoming soft like wax, in the hands of Dawud ( alayhisala)(7) The clouds giving shade to the prophet of Israeel.( 8) The houses of ummah of lut ( alauhsisalam) going up.
(9) shadow in paradise.(10) An infant speaking in the matter of yusuf (alayhissalam) etc.

Scan from Darayat Tafseeri

Many Wahabis still deny the miracles performed by Alwliya Allah. They still follow their leader Thanullah Amritsari.

Many Wahabi deny the extra ordinary things happening with friends of Allah in their grave. To refute these kind of ugly belief , the great scholar of Islam, Sayyid Dawud ibn Sulaiman (rahimah-Allahu ta'ala) wrote an invaluable book in Arabic, namely Al-minhat al-wahbiyya fi raddi 'l-Wahhabiyya. He was born in
Baghdad in 1222, died in Baghdad in 1299 A.H./1881.

A part of this book can be read here in English.

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