Monday, 16 July 2012

Misguided And Corrupt Sects


(This section is of utmost importance if a person intends to keep his or her Imaan intact in this present day and age). The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) stated, 'this (my) Ummah will be split into seventy three groups. All of them will go to hell but one.' When the companions of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) heard this, the enquired, 'Who will be that one group O Prophet of Allah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)?' He (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) replied, 'Those who follow my path and the path of my companions.' In another narration the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) referred to the Jannati Jamaat as 'The Jamaat' which refers to the "Suwaad‑e‑Azaam" meaning the huge jamaat of proper Muslims. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) also mentioned that any one who turns away from the true Jamaat will go to hell. It is for this reason that this Jamaat is known as 'Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaat'

Many of these mislead and corrupt sects can be found in many countries today. A few of them are being discussed, so as to make the unsuspecting Muslims aware of their corrupt beliefs, so that they may be protected from their web of deceit and corruption. The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said, "Keep them away from you and keep yourself away from them, so that they do not cause you to be misguided or plunged into corruption."


Those who follow the cursed Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani are known as the Qadiani sect. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani is the founder of this sect and he claimed to be a Prophet. He also uttered blasphemy against the True Prophets of Allah (alaihimus salaam). He has made such insolent statements against Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) and Bibi Maryam that it will cause the hearts of the Muslims to shudder, but due to the present frightening condition, it makes it necessary for me to quote his words of blasphemy. To claim Prophethood is kufr, but he did not stop at this. He continued to make derogatory statements against other Prophets of Allah. The Shariah declares that if a person tries to falsify the word of any Prophet, he has tried to falsify the words of all the Prophets (alaihimus salaam). This is evident through verses of the Quran. There is no doubt in such a person and his followers being kaafir. Any one who doubts their kufr will himself become a Kaafir. Some of the kufr statements made by him are as follows:

(a). 'In Baraheen‑e‑Ahmadi Almighty Allah has described this humble servant as Ummati and also as Nabi' (Ezaala‑e‑Awhaam pg 533)
(b). 'O Ahmed your name will be completed even before my name is completed' (Anjaam Aathaam pg 52).
(c). 'O Ahmed you are my desire and you are with me' (Anjaam Aathaam pg 55)
(d). He claimed that the verse of the Quran 'We have sent you not but as Mercy unto the worlds' referred to him, when this verse refers to the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). (Anjaam Aathaam pg 78)
(e). the cursed Ghulam Ahmed says, 'Allah says, O Ghulam Ahmed You are my offspring and I am from you and you are from me.'
(f). "The Prophet's (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) ilhaam and Wahi proved to be untrue." (Ezaala‑e‑Awhaam pg 688)
(g). 'Hazrat Moosa's (alaihis salaam) predictions did not occur as he had wished and expected them to occur and most of the predictions of Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) were false.' (Ezaala‑e‑Awhaam)
(h). 'He says that the verse in Surah Baqarah which refers to how dead person was brought back to life after being struck with a piece of beef, was only used by Moosa (alaihis salaam) to create unnecessary fear and this was mesmerism.' (Ezaala‑e‑Awhaam pg 775)
(i). the incident in the Quran relating to Hazrat Ibraheem (alaihis salaam) and the four birds, is also an incident of mesmerism. (Ezaala‑e‑Awhaam pg 553)
(j). "In the time of a certain King, four hundred Prophets predicted his victory, but they were all wrong as he lost the battle and thus died in this false hope.' (Ezaala‑e‑Awhaam pg 629)
(k). he says, 'The holy Quran is full of vulgar language and its tone is very harsh.' (Ezaala‑e‑Awhaam pg 26‑28)
(l). He says, 'Baraahin‑e‑Ahmadiyya' is the book of of Allah. ((Ezaala‑e‑Awhaam pg 533)
(m). Neither Esa (alaihis salaam) or Moosa (alaihis salaam) were perfect guides. (Arbaeen vol. 2 pg 13)

This cursed and evil man attacked the station of Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) with many blasphemous statements. Some of the things he said about Esa (alaihis salaam) are:� (Allah Forbid)

(1). 'O Christian missionaries. Do not say that Jesus is our Lord. There is one amongst you (referring to him) who is greater than Jesus. (Me'yaar pg 13)
(2). Almighty Allah has sent a messiah in this present time, which supercedes the past messiah and named him Ghulam‑e‑Ahmed.
(3). the example of Moosa is better than Moosa and the example of the son of Mary is better than the son of Mary (Kashti pg 13)
(4). Almighty Allah says that he will create an equal to the Messiah, who will not only be equal, but who will supercede him in every way. This will be Ghulam Ahmed.
(5). Leave the remembrance of the son of Maryam, for even better than him is Ghulam Ahmed. That which I say is not merely a poetic stanza, but it is my experience that the support of Allah is more with me than with the son of Maryam. If this does not be so, then I am a liar. (Daafa‑e‑Balaa pg 20)
(6). Allah has power over everything, but he can not bring back to earth a person who has already caused havoc on the earth (Daafa‑e‑Balaa pg 15)
(7). Maryam's son is not better in any way than kaushalya's son (the hindus Ram). (Anjaam Aathaam pg 41)
(8). I swear by him in whose control is my life, that if Esa (alaihis salaam) were in my time, then he would not be able to do that which I do and he will not able to show the signs which I show. (Kashti‑e‑Nooh pg 56)
(9). The Jew have very strong objection against the Nabuiwat of Esa (alaihis salaam) and there is not much that I can say about that. The only thing that I can say is that he is a Prophet, because the Quran says that he is a prophet. With the exception of this, there is no other Proof of his Nabuiwat. Rather, there are numerous proofs which nullify him being a Prophet. (Ejaaz‑e‑Ahmadi pg 13) It must be noted that in this statement of Mirza, has supported the corrupt theory of the Jews and at the same time claimed that the Quran teaches that which can be destroyed through evidence (Allah Forbid).
(10). The Christian claim that he is god and here, even his Nabuiwat can not be proven. (Ejaz‑e‑Ahmadi pg 14)
(11). Sometimes Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) used to have shaitaani inspirations. (Ejaaz‑e‑Ahmadi pg 14) (Note: Shaitaani inspirations only appear to evil persons and open sinners. Ghulam Ahmed the cursed has unsuccessfully attempted to prove his for Esa (alaihis salaam) whereas the Quran says, 'Shaitaan descends on those who falsely accuse and on the sinners."
(12). I must regretfully mention that the accusations of the Jews are so convincing, that I can not defend him (Esa alaihis salaam).
(13). I fully accept that the Messiah (Hazrat Esa) was a very pious personality, compared to others in his era. I can not however accept him as a truly liberated person for he was not born in Arabia. (Dafaa‑e‑Balaa pg 3)
(14). what I said earlier about Esa (alaihis salaam) was only out of love and kindness. There is a possibility that there were those pious persons in his era that were much more superior to him. (Dafaa‑e‑Balaa pg 3)

The above mentioned are only some of the derogatory statements of Mirza. He has used various other derogatory and vulgar words when addressing the Prophets of Allah (alaihimus salaam). He also openly slandered the family of Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) by saying that three of his paternal grandmothers were not chaste and were ladies of evil character. He even accused them of committing adultery. It must be noted that here mirza says paternal grandmothers, whereas Esa (alaihis salaam) was born without a father. In this statement, he is rejecting the command of the holy Quran that Esa (alaihis salaam) was born without a father. He furthers states that Esa (alaihis salaam) had four brothers and two sisters and all of them were his own brothers and sisters. He said (Allah Forbid) that they were children of Hazrat Yusuf (alaihis salaam) and Bibi Maryam. (This is a completely corrupt belief like all his other beliefs). He also claimed in his book Anjaam Athaam that Esa (alaihis salaam) did not have the ability to perform any miracles. He says in the same book that in those days there was a pond which had miraculous powers and all miracles that occurred then were related to this (so‑called) pond. He says that the only power Esa (alaihis salaam) has been that of deceiving the people Allah Forbid). He further states in Ezaala‑e‑Awhaam that the miracles performed by Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) are only misconceptions and if one leaves out the tales that are usually mentioned as miracles, then one will find that all his miracles were not true and that no miracle performed by any other Prophet is doubted as much as those performed by him. He also again tries to prove that all the miracles of Esa (alaihis salaam) were due to the magical pond.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and his evil followers have said and written numerous other things against the Prophets and the pious servants of Allah. Those who are true Muslims can never doubt that the Qadianis are Kaafirs once they are aware of all the above mentioned beliefs (of this corrupt and evil sect). The Ruling of the Shariah on these corrupt and mislead sects is:



If anyone wishes to look at their corrupt beliefs in detail, then he should peruse 'Tuhfa Ithna Ashariyyah' A few of their corrupt beliefs are being presented here (so that you may stay away from them and protect your Imaan).

(a). this sect openly slanders the companions (Sahaba) of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).� They even call some of the companions of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) Kaafirs and Munafiqs (Allah forbid).
(b). They hold the three Khulafa namely Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Uthman ridwaanullahi ta aala alaihim Ajmaeen in contempt. They say that these companions stole the khilafat from Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) and he remained silent out of fear for them. It is completely unacceptable to label Sayyidina Ali (radi Allahu anhu) as a coward and frightened person. Is it possible that Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) took the oath of allegiance out of fear at the hands of those who the shias call Kaafirs and Munafiqs and remained silent about this all his life? Is this the quality of the 'Lion of Allah'? The Holy Quran blesses the companions with great excellence and commands their obedience. The Quran mentions that they are pleased with Allah and Allah is pleased with them. Could Allah hold them in such excellence if they were Kaafirs and Munafiqs? Never! Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) gave his beloved daughter in the Nikah of Hazrat Umar (radi Allahu anhu). The shias say that Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) made (Taqaiyya ‑ used deception) when he allowed his daughter to marry Hazrat Umar (radi Allahu anhu). How can it be so that a companion of such grandeur like Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) would give his daughter in the marriage of someone he recognised as an unbeliever? This is thus totally baseless.

It is very sad to note that such things are said about the Holy companions, who strived for their entire lives for the sake of Islam and who finally were martyred in the same path. It is not possible that a brave and courageous personality like Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) made Taqqaiya. Taqqaiya is to use deception as a vice when you find yourself in a compromising situation.

(c). It must also be noted that two of the beloved Rasool's daughters were married to Hazrat Uthman‑e‑Ghani (radi Allahu anhu).

(d). Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) married the daughters of both Hazrat Abu Bakr (radi Allahu anhu) and Hazrat Umar (radi Allahu anhu).

All the above clearly indicates the closeness of the first three companions to the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). After knowing of their closeness to the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), who has the audacity to slander these beloved companions of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Some of the beliefs of this sect is being quoted below:

1. They believe in 'Aslah' in other words that Almighty Allah is compelled to do that which is best for his servants. In other words they say that Allah has to do such and such a thing. It must be noted that Allah does not 'have' to do anything. He does as He wills. When He does anything for his servants, then this is his Mercy.
2. They say that the Great Imams are greater in status than the Prophets. This is totally contrary to the Shariah as it is saying a non Nabi to be greater than a Nabi and this is kufr.
3. Some surahs, verses and words of the holy Quran were removed by Hazrat Uthman (radi Allahu anhu) and other companions, thus leaving the Quran incomplete. (It is amazing that they say that this was done and yet Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) did nothing about this). This belief also is Kufr and is unanimously agreed upon.
4. They also say that sometimes Almighty Allah gives a command and then finds that it is not appropriate, and he then regrets giving this command.� This too is kufr. Such a corrupt belief says that Allah is ignorant (Allah forbid).
5. They say that Almighty Allah is the Creator of all good and people are the creators of mischievous and evil deeds. The fire worshippers believed in two Allah's, 'Yazdan' who they called the creator of good and 'Aharman' the creator of evil. But these corrupt shias have even left the fire worshippers far behind, by believing in millions of gods.


Compared to the other sects, the Wahabi sect is a new sect (the modern day wahabis) which came into existence in 1209 Hijri. The founder of this sect was Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Najdi. He had unleashed a reign of terror and corruption in Arabia. His main attacks were in Makkah Shareef and Madinah Shareef. He killed numerous Ulama and razed many Mazaars of the Sahaba‑e‑Kiraam (ridwaanullahi ta aala alaihim ajmaeen), Imams, Ulama and shaheeds to the ground. (Allah forbid) He referred to the Blessed Grave of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) as 'Sanamul Akbar' in other words 'The biggest Idol' He caused much tyranny and corruption just as it was mentioned in the Hadith Shareef, that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) mentioned that fitna will spread from Najd (today known as Riyad). The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said that the group of shaitaan will emerge from Najd. Twelve hundred years after this saying of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) this group emerged in Najd. Hazrat Allama Shaami (radi Allahu anhu) referred to this group as the 'Khaarijis' Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab wrote a book called 'Kitaabut Tauheed' This book was translated into urdu by Ismaeel Dehlwi of India . He called the book, 'Taqweeyatul Imaan' It is Ismaeel Dehlwi who first spread Wahabism in India (which later spread throughout the globe). They believe that any person who does not follow their way is kaafir and Mushrik. It is for this reason, that they label the Muslims throughout the world as unbelievers and whenever they have the chance, they can be heard mentioning the words kufr and shirk.

On page 45 of Taqweeyatul Imaan, he quotes the Hadith about how a sweet breeze will blow close to Qiyaamat causing all the Muslims to pass away. After quoting this, he says, 'This saying of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) came true and this wind has already blown.' In other words he believes that there are no Muslims now left on earth. So ignorant is he, that he has also included himself and his followers in this, meaning that according to him, he too is an unbeliever. These wahabis are bent on insulting Almighty Allah and his Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). A few of their corrupt beliefs are being quoted so that my fellow Muslims brothers and sisters will become aware of their false beliefs and be protected from their web of deceit and not be deceived by their attire and huge turbans.


My Dear Muslim Brothers! Take heed to what I am about to mention and weigh it on the scale of Imaan, as there is nothing more valuable to a believer than his Imaan. Another name for Imaan is the love for Allah and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). One who attains more excellence in his faith is the one with the highest status. If a person has no Imaan, then he has no value amongst Muslims, even if he claims to be a great Aalim, Zaahid or one who has left the splendors of this world. Do not think of their Aalims and Faazils as your leaders, for they are the enemy of Allah and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Do you not find learned scholars amongst the Jews, Christians and Hindus etc? Will you accept them as your leaders? Definitely not. How then can these irreligious and corrupt people be your leaders?

Their corrupt Beliefs:

1. It is on pages 35 and 36 of Izaahul Haq 'It is an evil innovation to say that Allah is free from time, space and place, or having faith in the reality of seeing him directly. One who holds such a belief is a sinner and an innovator.' The author of this book says that to believe that Allah is free from place, time or space is wrong and we the Ahle Sunnat believe that Allah is free from time, place or space. In this statement, the author has labelled all the Ahle Sunnat and its leaders and Bidatis (innovators) and sinners. It is in Durr Mukhtar and Fatawa Alamgiri, that any person who proves a place for Allah is a Kaafir.
2. The Hadith 'on page 60 of Taqweeyatul Imaan quotes a Hadith and translates it in the following words, 'Think, whether you will prostrate to my grave when you pass by it.' After this, he puts a note and then says, that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said (which is not a true narration), 'One day I too will die and be mixed with the sand' (how can hold such a corrupt belief) when the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) himself says, 'Allah has made it Haraam upon the earth, that it may devour the bodies of the Prophets.' (The Prophets of Allah are alive and they are given sustenance).
3. It is as follows on page 19 of Taqweeyatul Imaan: 'Since Almighty Allah alone is our creator, we should only ask him for help in all our work. Just as a man after becoming a servant of a King only turns to him and not to another King. What then has to be said about any chamaar (low cast ‑ cobbler)." (Here, he is referring to asking help from Allah. We the Ahle Sunnat ask help from the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), so he used the example of low cast to the Prophet sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Can any person who claims to be a Muslim use such a derogatory term towards the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)?
4. It is on page 95 of Siraat‑e‑Mustaqeem as follows: 'Some types of darkness are deeper than others' (in other words some sinful actions are worse than others). He then says, It is better to think of sexual intercourse with your wife than thinking of adultery. In the same way, it is better to engross yourself in the thought of your ox or donkey, rather than thinking of your Peer (Murshid) or any other pious person, even though it maybe the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Dear Brothers! Any person with even the slightest Imaan in his heart will be able to see the blasphemy in this statement. This is the belief of the leader of the Wahabis.
5. It is on page 10 of Taqweeyatul Imaan that, 'To increase or decrease ones sustenance, to allow one to be in good health, or bad health, to give one respect, to fulfill ones desires, to get rid of evils and calamities and to remove one from hardships is only under the authority of Allah. Anyone who calls to any one other than Allah in time of need is a mushrik, whether he feels he who he is calling to have the ability to assist him by himself or through the Will of Allah. It is shirk either way.'�

Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran, 'Almighty Allah and His Rasool have enriched them through their Grace.' Here, the Holy Quran is announcing that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has caused people to be enriched with wealth and the author of the corrupt book says that one who believes such things is a Mushrik. According to him, the Holy Quran is propagating Shirk. The Holy Quran announces, 'O Esa!� You cure the blind and leper through my command.' In another verse Almighty Allah says referring to Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam), 'I cure the blind and the leper and I bring the dead back to life through the command of Allah.' This is the injunction of the Quran and yet the wahabis say that none other can give good health (with or without the command of Allah). The Wahabis must now say how is it so that Almighty Allah has blessed Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) with this ability? If still they insist on this being shirk, then I do not know their definition of Islam.
6. On page 11 of Taqweeyatul Imaan, a Hadith of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is quoted wherein it is said, 'Respect this jungle for it is in the (sacred Haram) and do not hunt any animals therein and do not fell the trees in its boundary for it is a place sacred for worshipping Allah.' After quoting this narration, he says, 'To show respect to the jungles� around the houses of Prophets or ghosts is shirk, even though one thinks that he is worthy of respect or to think that Allah will be pleased with you respecting them is also shirk. There are numerous Hadith which prove the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) as saying, "Ibraheem made Makkah the Haram and I have made Madinah a Haram, therefore do not cut down the Acacia trees in its surrounding and do not hunt the wild animals in its surrounding." Dear Muslim Brothers! Can you see how this mischievous author has distorted the facts? He has levelled such a terrible accusation against the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
7. On page 8 of Taqweeyatul Imaan, its author says that even the idol worshippers in the time of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) did not equal their idols to Allah. What they really did was that they called out to them in their times of need and they used to make offerings to them expecting to attain some favor. He then says that it is for this reason that anyone who considers any servant of Allah as an intercessor or a mediator between Allah and the servants is equal in shirk to Abu Jahl. This, statement, not only condemns the intercession of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), but it also condemns all the companions (ridwaanullahi ta aala alaihim ajmaeen), the Great Imams, the Awliyah Allah and all the Muslims as Mushriks like Abu Jahl. (Allah Forbid).
8. In the same book, he says that if one is asked about how many stars etc there are in the sky, then one should not say that Allah and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) know, because only Allah has the knowledge of the unseen and not the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
9. It is on page 9 of Taqweeyatul Imaan, he says that Almighty Allah has not given anyone on earth the power to ordain anything. Here the author is saying that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has no power that has been awarded to them. This clearly refutes the miracles of the Prophets and the Karaamats of the Awliyah Allah. Almighty Allah says, 'By the Angels who plan the activities.' Is the author not openly refuting the above mentioned verse of the Holy Quran and the power that has been awarded to the Prophets and Saints?
10. On page 22 of Taqweeyatul Imaan, it is said that anyone who's Name is Muhammad or Ali has no power and right over anything. This is very astonishing, because the wahabis too have a right over their belongings and yet they say that Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) who is the closest to Allah has no power and right over anything.
11. One of their beliefs is that Almighty Allah has the ability to lie (Allah forbid). One of their leaders has given a decree that if anyone says that Waqu‑e‑Kizb means pardon for all those who referred to Allah as a liar. This is such a blasphemous decree. He says that even though someone calls Allah a liar, they should be pardoned and still regarded as Muslims.
12. They also refute the fact that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is Khaatimun Nabiyeen (The final Messenger). To deny that Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) being the final Messenger is infidelity beyond doubt.
13. It is on page 2 of Tahzeerun Naas, that it is the opinion of the ordinary people that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is Khaatimun Nabiyeen, because he is the final messenger in the lengthy chain of Prophets. The Well informed (knowledgeable) people definitely know that being Khaatimun Nabiyeen has no untouchable seal to it. It only shows the end of an era. It does not in any way show or determines a special level of excellence or elevation. How then can the verse 'He is the Prophet and the Last one of all the Messengers' be in proper context in this discussion on the issue of praise?" The author here has tried to prove that Khatimun Nabiyeen only means the end of an era. He says that it has no significance with the pious people, as they know that it is not a unique station. The author here has attempted to refute the words of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) who himself has explained it to mean final Messenger, which is a unique attribute which has been blessed to him by Almighty Allah. This is evident in various Ahadith.
14. One of the habits of the wahabis is to try and nullify everything that has to do with the beloved servants of Allah. They are always looking for faults to try and defame the pious servants of Allah. They even refute the knowledge of the unseen which has been bestowed upon the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). It is on page 51 of Barahin‑e‑Qaatiya that the Prophet does not even have knowledge of that which is behind a wall. The author quotes this and then falsely attributes this statement to Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhadith Dehlwi (alaihir rahma). He further mentions that the vast knowledge of shaitaan and the Angel of death are evident from the Quran and there is no such source that authenticates the vastness of the knowledge of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). He thus claims that to accept such knowledge for the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) without evidence is shirk. The author of this book is prepared to give preference to the knowledge of shaitaan over the knowledge of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). The above mentioned beliefs should serve as evidence for the truthful Muslims, who will be able to see for themselves the corruptness of these wahabis. No Muslim in his right frame of mind can call these people Muslims. There is no doubt in them being unbelievers.
15. In another book, Hifzul Imaan, the author (Ashraf Ali Thanwi) says on page seven, that if knowledge of the unseen which is possessed by the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is partial, then there is no uniqueness in this, since all insane people, little children and animals possess such knowledge. Dear Brothers, Think for a moment about what he has said. He has no conscious and does not feel any remorse in equaling the knowledge of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) to that of children, insane people and animals. Can any Muslim still have doubt in the author of Hifzul Imaan and his followers being disbelievers?
16. Another practice of the wahabis is to shun the practices of the Muslims by labelling these practices as shirk, whereas they have been permitted by Almighty Allah and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). They label Meelad Shareef, Standing for Salaam, Esaal‑e‑Sawaab, visiting the graves of the Awliyah and the Blessed grave of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), making Fateha and forty days etc as shirk. It is in the book Barahin‑e‑Qaatia that the repeated hosting of the Meelad of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is like the hindus who repeatedly host the prayer of 'Kanhaya' (a hindu deity) and like the shias who repeatedly observe the day of martyrdom at Karbala. (These Wahabis have labelled Muslims to be worse than hindus and shias.

Beloved Muslim Brothers! That which has been mentioned above is only a few of the heretic beliefs of the Wahabis. There are various other corrupt and blasphemous beliefs of the Wahabis which show there hatred for the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in many of their other books.

The gheyr muqallids are also a branch of the wahabis. They refuse to adhere to the established and recognised doctrines of Islam. The gheyr muqallids are very close in the thinking to the 'deobandis', who are also a new corrupt group. It is for this reason that the Gheyr Muqallids do not accept the deobandis as Kaafir, since they both are used to uttering words of shirk. The law of Shariah is very clear, that all those who doubt the kufr or punishment of a Kaafir are themselves Kaafir. The Gheyr Muqallids do not accept the four schools of thought in Fiqh, and have innovated a path different from the true path. They say that to make Taqleed (follow one of the four Imams of fiqh) is haraam and bid'at. They even slander the great Imams of the Mazhabs. The reality is that they too make taqleed. They are definitely the followers (muqalids) of Shaitaan. These people refute the concept of Qiyaas (religious opinion), and to completely reject qiyaas, is kufr. They refute Taqleed, and one who rejects Taqleed in totality is a Kaafir.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Wahabis use the term bid'at in abundance. Everything they see, they label as bid'at.� I thus feel that it is very important to mention the true meaning of the term bid'at.� That bid'at which is an evil innovation and which is against the Sunnah is makrooh and haraam. As for that innovation which is of benefit to religion, then this is sometimes, desirable, sunnat, compulsory and can even be obligatory to act upon. Hazrat Umar‑e‑Farouk (radi Allahu anhu) says as follows concerning Taraweeh, "This is a good innovation" even though Taraweeh is Sunnat‑e‑Muakida. That which is proven in some way through the Shariah can never be an evil innovation. If this is the case that everything is bid'at, then even the wahabis madressas, lectures and gatherings will all be labelled as bid'at. Why don't they stop these actions? If anything has to do with the beloveds of Allah, they label it as bid'at and if it has to do with themselves then it is halaal and sunnat. "Wa Laa Howla Wa Laa Quwatta il'laa bil laahi"

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